Thursday, October 11, 2007


We believe in free speech. We don't monitor this thing and we don't even have time to read it. So say whatever the hell you want!


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Anonymous said...

I think we all know that sledge is Elleson. Hi Bob!! (waves)

Anonymous said...

It's an ego contest, also, in addition to money grab (our money). Can you imagine the jockeying going on when it comes to naming the building (eg. "The Swezy Building)?

Anonymous said...

Boards love to build monuments to themselves, see, e.g.: County Administration Building and White Oak School. Both buildings were extravagant and excessive. Both are half empty today. Just walk through the county building one day. You may not even see another person. Very wastefull.

Anonymous said...

Our local elected offials, especially at the city, have treated the city coffers as a personal piggy bank, to be raided at will to hand out deals and favors to buddies and relatives. Everything that happens at city hall is designed to line to the pockets of the insiders. We need to take back our city and throw the thugs out.

Anonymous said...

Swezy would like nothing more than to see a plaque with his name on it on the new city hall building. This project is more about egos and politics than anything else.

Anonymous said...

Any one know where i can find a parlay card for the rest of football season??

Anonymous said...

does dicky cupcake really own the spa? Unreal !!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:09 you are sadly mistaken...the administration building is NOT a waste of space, in fact the Health Dept has turned storage closets into office space to meet the growing need of the community...not to mention the environmental division has their offices in a back storage room...all because the Administration Building is at full capacity! However, I will agree that the design of the administration building was not practical and the heating/cooling system is a joke!! On any given day the temp can go from 85 - 60 in the building. The workers may have to deal with this problem, but the clients that come into the building for appointments shouldn't have to...not to mention the mold that is growing in the walls because the previous administrator refused to have the roof fixed and it leaked into the walls.

Anonymous said...

Dicky doesnt own the spa. Some Asian pimp does

Anonymous said...

3:15, don't pull my chain. I am not the least bit mistaken. I have been in the administration building. It is like a ghosttown in there. It was - and still is - excessive and unnecessary. If anyone doubts me, go look for yourself. Any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

The Grundy County Health Department is a useless bureacracy. It could close its doors tomorrow and nobody would miss it. Ditto for ESDA.

Anonymous said...

10:09 yes everyone, please go look for yourself...stop in the coroner's office and you will see how many people are working in ONE office, next stop in the planning & zoning office and see that office has 5 people in one office and last but not least, stop in the environmental health division and you will see that office has 4 people working in a storage room that has been turned into please stop in and tour the administration building!!

Anonymous said...

6:42 is a liar. Please.... go look.

Anonymous said...

Planning and zoning has 2 people.

Anonymous said...

2 people is one more than it had when Pachol was in charge.

Anonymous said...

If there are more than two people in any of those offices, it will be a useless bureacracy. Merc's point of a tax-and-spend mentality is well taken.

Anonymous said...

If 6:42 is right, I can see why county spending has doubled in the last few years. Because last time I checked, I KNOW 10:09 was right.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again...planning & zoning is combined with solid waste and there are 5 people in that i guess i'll be seeing you at 8:00am tomorrow morning when the offices open! Can't wait to give you the tour...oh and btw, remind me to show you the receptionist that sits at the front of the much for your "ghost town" theory!m See in ya in the AM

Anonymous said...

7:12 is a liar. There are 2 people in planning and zoning.

Anonymous said...

LMAO....guess you'll see when you show up for your tour..oh but wait, you are probably one of those people that thinks you know everything so you won't show...either way it doesn't matter, facts are facts and the fact is, the planning and zoning office, now called "land use" has 5 people in one office

Anonymous said...

If there are 5 people in planning and zoning, there are three more than we need.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Elleson gave Swezy a spanking on Swezy's blog. John, you are wrong on this one. I agree with Elleson - $2.5 million would build one hell of an addition, and solve all of the city's space needs for a very long time to come.

Anonymous said...

Why are two ex aldermen arguing about this TIF stuff when the current aldermen keep silent? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Swezy has a problem on his blog - the law and the facts are against him.

Anonymous said...

To the mayor and John Swezy on TIF: "Repetition does not transform a lie into the truth."

Anonymous said...

and also, go ahead and look on my myspace, theres not a damn thing on there about the kkk, i have nothing to do with the kkk, look harder before you speak dumbass

Anonymous said...

clucker...what is your myspace url??

Anonymous said...

ok Matt you and Brett and the rest of thos guys need to stop this shit it's gettin way out of hand and I don't want to be involved in it anymore

Anonymous said...

What sound does a chicken make? cluck cluck cluck

Anonymous said...

Clunker,I'd stop you on the street but I don't know what you look like. Can you provide a picture As well as your address and phone number?

Anonymous said...

2.5 million would only cover labor costs for Narvick. What about materials, subcontractor and attorney costs? That's why we need 12 mil to build the palace.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the money Narvick will get from adding additions to White Oak after the school board sells Shabbona will help. I'm sure Olsen from Grundy Bank will give the schools a great loan rate, and Hornsby will collect a good commission. All three got squeezed out last time that's why they are throwing a hissy fit now!

Anonymous said...

amazing the things you learn on these blogs!

Anonymous said...

you mean grundy bank your hometown bank? The friendly one where you walk in the lobby and the matronly bank women stare you down with dirty looks and then talk about you during their lunch break?

Anonymous said...

Thats the one. now you know why the citizen committee with business owners who don't live or work in 54 was created.

Anonymous said...

Careen's puppies are lots bigger than Rezin's. Gordon has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Morris Taco Bell is slow as hell and they should have made a new entrance. That's all.

Anonymous said...

Mcdonalds is worse. YOu could have 3 people in the drive thru and it takes 10 minutes. Its the slowest mcdonalds ive ever been to

Anonymous said... are so right about McDonald's...i waited over 20 minutes to place my order one morning (before I finally left) and there were only a few people in line ahead of me...not to mention the scummy dirtbags they have working there!!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed that morris mcdonalds employees are all either obese, walk with a limp or have a lazy eye?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know clucker worked at mcdonalds

Anonymous said...

6:57, This is a free speech blog. Posmo was a censoring control freak, at least the original posmo was. Whoever took it over after that, did it to mock that blog. Youre sounding like the original posmo.

Anonymous said...

You're right 7:07. It was Posmo II that deteriorated into a waste of time due to these idiots. I hope Freespeech doesn't.

Free Speech Morris said...

I don't censor anything. Everyone's thoughts have a right to be heard. And personally, I don't give a flying poop what anyone really thinks :)
Lighten up for cripes sake!

Anonymous said...

from the MD Fluff police report: AN INCIDENT involving a seven-year-old girl was reported to Morris police about 7:45 p.m. Thursday at Washington and Fulton streets.

A man with blond hair and some facial hair reportedly grabbed the girl by the arm and attempted to pull her away from the area.

This sounds like coffee man. The crazy guy with the scraggly hair who walks all over town with a coffee in his hand.

Anonymous said...

speaking of police, does anyone know what happened at the new bar on Liberty by the train station last night? I was driving by about 12pm, the place looked empty and 2 squads were out there

Anonymous said...

maybe the MPD was getting their last call...look at the way that the PD has been goin.

Anonymous said...

"This sounds like coffee man. The crazy guy with the scraggly hair who walks all over town with a coffee in his hand."

Coffe man is a perfect example of your brain on drugs and hooch.

He was an attorney. He even worked in Grundy County for a while. His father was an attorney. His brother is an attorney who left town years ago to get away from coffee man and the craziness. His mother is in the nursing home.

He also walks to Seneca and wanders the streets there.

His hair isn't blonde. It is dirty gray. He is a senior citizen by this time.

Anonymous said...

Coffee man for coroner!

Anonymous said...

coffee man for police chief. "He knows the city and the streets... He can find city hall." He perfectly meets dick nutcup's criteria. In fact, I withdraw from consideration for police chief.

Anonymous said...

"Coffee man is a perfect example of your brain on drugs and hooch".

This guy should be the poster child for morris

Anonymous said...

So, what's the deal with the Grundy County Gang Awareness person and their concern about the increased gang activity in Grundy County?

Something about increased tagging in Coal City/Morris and the increased number of reports from Channahon and Minooka?

Plainfield saw a huge increase in gang problems after one of the developers (Neumann?) heavily marketed their subdivision in the Cicero area, and they all transplanted there. Has Grundy County had similar developers/marketing strategies, or has anyone seen increased gang activity in the area?

Folks, I've lived in Joliet, and let me tell you, they're like cockroaches. Once they get in your neighborhood, you can never get them out (This is not racial! gangs come in many colors - white (trash), black, brown, etc.).

Anonymous said...

The gangs come because of drugs. Gangs and drugs go hand in hand. When you see increased drug usage you see ultimately increased gang presence. For those of you who are sheltered in this "nostalgic downtown Morris" mentality, heroin is huge in Grundy county. 10 years ago it was meth. Coke is still huge among the 40 somethings and up. You get a lot of pill poppers in the bars; Each generation has it's drug of choice. The people in this county really need to get their heads out of their asses. You can pretend this is still a nice little drug free Christian small town, but it's not, and it hasn't been for awhile. Don't blame the "newcomers". A lot of the druggies are townies and have grown up here and whose parents have grown up here. And don't blame it on the young people. The older ones push it on them. They do it because they have nothing else to do supposedly. Besides that, the underage drinking problem is far worse and some of these kids parents' allow it because they're drunks and stoners themselves.

Anonymous said...

I am 20 and I go to XO because it's the only place that stuff isn't allowed. I know the owner and she would kick anyone's ass who tried to do anything stupid or not legal in there. XO gets trashed by some peole because younger people go there and right away you think they are doing bad stuff in there but their not. We go to listen to the bands, look at the artwork, read, work on our computers and meet other people. Poeple who are sick of the bars go there to chill. It's kind of a safe haven. believeit or not there ARE people in morris who are sick of the drugs,gangs and bars and XO is one place where they can go to have a good conversation and meet other people who are cool and who dont judge them. The losers stay away because they know they cant get away with anything in there. plus ive been there when older people come in looking for pipes. these are people old enuff to be my parent. Ive heard her and the people that work there tell them they dont have that stuff but then these people tell them that thats what they heard. it's all bs gossip.

Anonymous said...

Drugs have been a problem in Morris since the 1960's--just like everywhere else. Most people know that. Anyone who really thinks this is some kind of isolated community with none of the real world problems is walking around in oblivion carrying their own coffee cup and newspaper.

If you want to see what goes on with the teenagers and young adults, monitor your kid's MySpace. Click on the photos of the kids on their friends list and see what they are doing. Be prepared to be enlightened, if not shocked. You may discover your cursor has turned into a marijuana leaf on some kid's page. You will read about drugs, drinking, any sex act you can imagine. They post photos that you would not want your neighborhood sex offender to see. Mother's what are your daughters thinking?

While you are at it, search for kid's names of the teachers and administrators--and even your boss or minister. No one is exempt from having a kid with a secret life.

Put on your desk top to reference when you don't know what they mean by terms like "cheese wheel" or "robotripping" or "purple dank" and a zillion others.

People ask--"What about my kid's privacy? They have rights!" Not! The job of the parent is to know what is going on. Your kid won't give you the passwords? Get a keylogger (look it up via search engine) if you don't have the stones to stop them from using the computer until they give up the passwords.

You don't want your kid on drugs or drinking in high school. Even if you did drugs back in the day wherever you grew up. This is not then, this is now. The dope out there isn't the same. It is stronger and could literally kill them. The kids abuse over-the-counter cough and cold medicine. They huff, snort and swallow anything to get high.

No matter where we live in this country, we're not in Kansas anymore. It is worse than you think.

Anonymous said...

watch it 3:10, they're gonna start blaming the drugs on Dickie

Anonymous said...

There is one offical in city hall who likes the wacky weed. Everyone knows all about that!

Anonymous said...

Martha's a stoner?

Anonymous said...

It's not martha. Everyone knows who it is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you don't know who it is, then you don't get out enough. The stories are all around town.

Anonymous said...

Profanity is the mark of a small mind.

Anonymous said...

So is gossip

Anonymous said...

I have heard a few stories. I know exactly who you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

For 8:41...If you don't like gossip, then you shouldn't be on this website. Also, don't say the weedheads don't start shit cuz they do. I used to be married to one. They're just as bad as the boozers. Most weedheads are boozers, too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's Warren. He looks like a weedhead

Anonymous said...

hi world... morris has its own lil piece of the innerweb right here well.... on the innerweb... great... the corn and beans spread through digitized wires and optics and poof, the whole world can see how much there is going on in this vastly expanding lil piece of earth called home

Anonymous said...

Dick sees Martha as a threat to the gravy train that he and his cronies are riding on. He wants the boundary line plan to fail, even at the cost of putting the city at a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

Martha is only a threat to Warren.

Anonymous said...

I am glad Jeff Paulson isn't going to be police chief or coroner. I heard he only scored 6 out of 10 on his shooting.

Anonymous said...

People are fed up with the waste, mismanagment and cronysim rampant in city hall. I want my alderman to speak up, ask questions, and put a stop to the shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"It states that he was declared dead at the scene, and that "there was no reason for the defendant police officers to use deadly force as they were never in any real danger," with several reasons for this statement given."

If a drunk idiot had a shotgun pointed at me, you bet your ass I'd fire back. They didn't have to kill him though. Couldnt they have just shot him in the arm once?

Anonymous said...

The headline should be

"Hannibal Storm-Troopers Slay Despondent Man."

Anonymous said...

Why did the police even go into the house? This wasn't a hostage situation. Three armed cops bust into a room and confront a drunk and despondent man? How about letting him sleep it off. At least no one would have gotten killed. It seems like it could have been handled better.

Anonymous said...

The article also states: After Mr. Brocksmith's death, the Hannibal Police Department and Missouri State Highway Patrol conducted an investigation of the incident. In March the results of their investigation were announced, with these agencies reporting it had been determined that the three police officers involved had "acted appropriately."

The report states Mr. Brocksmith had been holding a shotgun and pointed it at one of the officers, then the three policemen responded by firing, which caused his death.

The officers were reported to have "acted appropriately to protect their lives and the lives of their fellow officers."
End Quote

The state police also investigated. Unless you have had an irate drunk point a shotgun at you, then you don't know how you would react. Google the victim's name and you will find a letter to the editor from a friend of the victim who comments about "domestic violence." Apparently we don't know all the details from the one linked article. Yes, it is sad a life was taken. However, the officers had to defend themselves or there may have been more than one death involved in the incident. That wouldn't have made the story any better, would it?

Anonymous said...

If the officers acted appropriately, why did the city of Hannibal pay his family a settlement?

Anonymous said...

And BTW, the article never says Brocksmith was irate. He was distraught. Obviously, this matter could have been handled beter, and Mr. Brocksmith would still be alive.

Anonymous said...

"The police report states officers were told Mr. Brocksmith had threatened to harm himself." Just think what might have happened if police had not responded. Brocksmith might have hurt himself.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Brocksmith committed suicide by police.

Anonymous said...

becky thatcher said...
If the officers acted appropriately, why did the city of Hannibal pay his family a settlement?
October 27, 2007 11:21 AM

I couldn't find an article that reported Hannibal paid a settlement. Could you post a link to the article, please? Anybody can post anything but a link is more credible.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what happened in Hannibal.

Anonymous said...

I care what happened in Hannibal. Especially if it involves a cop playing cowboy who may end up running around Morris with a gun.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a drunk who had a history of domestic violence armed with a shotgun was threatening to commit suicide, the cops were called--probably by the concerned, terrified family who had plenty of experience on the wrong end of the drunk's domesticly violent acts. The drunk armed with a shotgun with a history of domestic violence threatening to kill himself aimed the shotgun at the cops. The cops protected themselves from possible massacre by the drunk armed with a shotgun with a history of domestic violence who threatened to kill himself. Instead of the cops being killed, the drunk with the history of domestic violence armed with a shotgun ended up dead. If a drunk with a history of domestic violence armed with a shotgun is threatening to kill himself, common sense would dictate the dude doesn't plan to stick around for a cop-killing trial. That should indicate to anyone with a sense of self-preservation they had best protect themselves from impending death-by-shotgun at the hands of the drunk with a history of domestic violence. After all, if a person is violent against their family who they are supposed to love and protect, they are certainly capable of violence against cops.

That doesn't sound like the cops were playing cowboy to me. It sounds like self-protection from certain death had the drunk pulled the trigger on the shotgun he aimed at the cop.

The state police and the local police investigated the situation and the cops acted within the guidelines.

The drunk with a history of domestic violence armed with a shotgun threatening to kill himself apparently felt he had nothing to lose.

It is a good thing the drunk with the history of domestic violence didn't decide to take out his whole family with the shotgun that day instead. The family must have been terrified of the possibilities or the wouldn't have called the cops. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

And then the city of Hannibal paid a settlement to the family of Terry Brocksmith, because of the conduct of the cowboy cops.

Anonymous said...

Provide a link, 8:52. I could not find anything published about a settlement. Prove what you say so we can all read it.

Anonymous said...

Hannibal did pay a settlement. Ask Paulson.

Anonymous said...

11:23, why don't you publish a link that shows Paulson won the lawsuit?

Anonymous said...

So 8:30, are you saying that anyone who is drunk and allegedly has a history of domestic violence (tho there is no claim of dv on the date of this incident), deserves to be gunned down by the police like a dog? Is that what you are saying?

Anonymous said...

So, are you saying that Paulson was involved in this incident?? Please give us the details...

Anonymous said...

duh, 3:48. Go read

When Paulson was a copy in Hannibal, he was involved in a shooting that left a man dead, and left the city of Hannibal on the hook for a settlement to his family.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's better to have Yosimite Sam as an alderman that as police chief.

Anonymous said...

Saturday, February 13, 1999

Shooting investigation continues
This article refers to a "domestic dispute"--the guy is armed with a shotgun and is drunk. His family called for help. The guy aimed the shotgun at the cops. That is hardly being gunned down like a dog.

Last modified at 11:41 p.m. on Friday, February 12, 1999

The Hannibal Police Department and the Missouri State Highway Patrol are continuing to investigate a fatal shooting on Feb. 7 involving Hannibal policemen Sgt. Michael Routh, officer Jeffery Paulson and officer Phillip Martin.

Terry Brocksmith, 812 Hazel St., died at his home early Sunday morning from gunshot wounds after officers were called to the scene regarding a domestic dispute.

The department reported that Mr. Brocksmith raised a shotgun at officers and officers responded by firing at him, causing his death.

Police Chief Al Higdon said in a written statement on Friday, "I've reviewed the preliminary reports and feel confident the officers acted within department guidelines."

More information will be made public when the investigation is complete, Higdon said in the statement.

Copyright 1998 Hannibal Courier-Post

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "duh" 4:02--the link you provide does not say Hannibal paid a settlement. That article talks about the lawsuit filed. That's all. What was the outcome? Post the link.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of "duh" 4:02--the link you provide does not say Hannibal paid a settlement. That article talks about the lawsuit filed. That's all. What was the outcome? Post the link.

Anonymous said...

5:20, any moron can say anthing on the internet. We know that a lawsuit was filed. If you have any information that Paulson prevailed, just post the link. If you are right, prove it.

Anonymous said...

The outcome was that the city of Hannibal was on the hook and agreed to pay a settlement to the victim's family.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like Terry Brocksmith was the victim of poor judgment by overzealous cops. I feel sorry for Brocksmith's children.

Anonymous said...

Brocksmith sustained six gunshot wounds to the chest. He was survived by his four children.

Anonymous said...

I am sure that Brocksmith's children will be thrilled to learn that 8:30 thinks their father deserved to die.

Anonymous said...

Lawsuit filed in shooting death

Courier-Post Staff Writer

The family of a Hannibal man who died Feb. 7 from gunshot wounds suffered in a police shooting has filed a lawsuit against three police officers and the City of Hannibal. It demands a trial by jury.

Terry L. Brocksmith, 36, died at his home at 812 Hazel St. in a shooting after the police had been told he had threatened suicide, and he was holding a shotgun.

Gary Shimun, Hannibal city manager, mentioned the lawsuit during a program for the Hannibal Chamber of Commerce on July 22.

During an update of the city's plans, Shimun said, "we are going to be defending ourselves in a wrongful death suit. The city is being sued for when police officers killed a suspect during an investigation of an attempted suicide. We are being sued. I fully expected that. I don't know of any police shooting that they don't get sued. Hopefully we will win that. In my opinion the police officers acted appropriately and as they were supposed to."

After Mr. Brocksmith's death, the Hannibal Police Department and Missouri State Highway Patrol conducted an investigation of the incident. In March the results of their investigation were announced, with these agencies reporting it had been determined that the three police officers involved had "acted appropriately."

The report states Mr. Brocksmith had been holding a shotgun and pointed it at one of the officers, then the three policemen responded by firing, which caused his death.

The officers were reported to have "acted appropriately to protect their lives and the lives of their fellow officers."

The lawsuit regarding Mr. Brocksmith's death was filed June 24 in U.S. Eastern District Court in St. Louis.

The plaintiffs are Kenneth Brocksmith and Sally Springett, parents of Terry Brocksmith, representing the estate of Terry Brocksmith. Their attorney is Howard Snowden.

The defendants are police officers Michael Routh, Phillip Martin, Jeffery Paulson and the City of Hannibal.

The lawsuit states Terry Brocksmith was shot in his home by the defendant police officers, Routh, Martin and Paulson, and Mr. Brocksmith died as a result of the shooting, leaving his parents and four minor children. It continues to state that the police were called to Mr. Brocksmith's home and found him in a small bedroom sitting on his bed with a shotgun, muttering that he was going to kill himself. It states the police smelled odors of alcohol and were told Mr. Brocksmith had been drinking alcoholic beverages.

"They tried to coax him to put down his weapon but he refused," the lawsuit, states, continuing "after several minutes one of the police officers fired a shot and in concert the three officers fired 10 shots, six shots going into the chest and shoulder of Brocksmith."

It states that he was declared dead at the scene, and that "there was no reason for the defendant police officers to use deadly force as they were never in any real danger," with several reasons for this statement given.

The lawsuit asks for actual and punitive damages, to be determined by a jury, plus attorney fees and costs of suit.

Copyright 1998 Hannibal Courier-Post

Anonymous said...

Where is the link that reports Hannibal paid a settlement to Terry Brocksmith's family. You are right--anybody can say anything. You are imply Hannibal paid a settlement for wrongful death. Where is the link?

No one said the guy deserved to die. The family called the police because of a domestic dispute with a drunk weilding a shotgun. The drunk with the shotgun aimed the shotgun at the police. The guy ended up dead. The cops could have ended up dead. The family could have ended up dead. Instead, the gun weilding drunk ended up dead.

No one said he deserved to die. Sometimes people do stupid things that result in their death.

Lesson to be learned: Don't get drunk, grab a shotgun, terrorize your family via domestic dispute as a drunk with a loaded shotgun so the the family will have a reason to call the police for help. And, if you do choose to do the above, when the cops get there, don't aim your shotgun at the cops.

When was the last time you were called in to the middle of a domestic dispute by terrified people who were at the mercy of a drunk weilding a shotgun and the drunk aimed the shotgun at you?

Anonymous said...

Where is the link that reports Hannibal paid a settlement to Terry Brocksmith's family. You are right--anybody can say anything. You are imply Hannibal paid a settlement for wrongful death. Where is the link?

No one said the guy deserved to die. The family called the police because of a domestic dispute with a drunk weilding a shotgun. The drunk with the shotgun aimed the shotgun at the police. The guy ended up dead. The cops could have ended up dead. The family could have ended up dead. Instead, the gun weilding drunk ended up dead.

No one said he deserved to die. Sometimes people do stupid things that result in their death.

Lesson to be learned: Don't get drunk, grab a shotgun, terrorize your family via domestic dispute as a drunk with a loaded shotgun so the the family will have a reason to call the police for help. And, if you do choose to do the above, when the cops get there, don't aim your shotgun at the cops.

When was the last time you were called in to the middle of a domestic dispute by terrified people who were at the mercy of a drunk weilding a shotgun and the drunk aimed the shotgun at you?

Anonymous said...

There is no report anywhere that this guy was terrorizing his family. The police did not have to enter this controntation. Clearly, the police did not handle this properly. Nobody had to die.

Anonymous said...

Post your link showing tha Paulson won the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I did not imply that Hannibal paid a settlment. It is a fact. Ask Paulson.

Anonymous said...

Brocksmith was alone in the house. He wasn't terrorizing anyone. Three cops entered, created a controntation that didn't have to happen, and someone died. Brocksmith was the victim. And of course, the only witnesses who lived are the cops - who provided their own self-serving statement about Brocksmith pointing the gun.

Anonymous said...

Come on. Post your link showing that Paulson won the lawsuit. Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

You are the one who said Hannibal paid a settlement to the family of the dead guy. You are the one trying to imply misconduct by the cops. I posted a link and brought over articles that say the local and state police said the cops acted within guidelines. That can be interpreted as "no wrong-doing."

I can find nothing that says how the lawsuit was resolved. You are claiming it was resolved with a cash settlement to the family and you are implying police misconduct.

You won't post the link to prove a settlement was paid for wrongful death. Where is your proof?

I don't know how the lawsuit was resolved and have made no claims to know.

Since you are the one making the claim, prove it. Post a link. Tsk, tsk, tsk... post up or shut up. Anybody can say anything...just like you. How did the lawsuit resolve? Link?

Anonymous said...

Who fucking cares about the lawsuit...we don't even know these people...and where do you get your information that paulson would be appointed chief?

Anonymous said...

You are the one claiming there was no settlement. where is your proof? Post your link.

Anonymous said...

Just because there is no link doesn't mean it isn't so. There are other sources of information apart from the internet. For example, you could just ask mr. Paulson himself.

The FACT is that a settlment was paid by the City of Hannibal to settle a claim brought by the family of Terry Brocksmith. The lawsuit alleged that the police mishandled this matter and that as a result, Mr. Brocksmith died. From the FACT that the city settled this lawsuit, one might infer that there was misconduct by the police.

If you have FACTS to the contrary, post your link.

Anonymous said...

6:43, the "dead guy" was a father of four minor children. Your remarks are cold and callous. This was a tragic death that could have been avoided had police used better judgment. I am quite certain that proper police procedure did not include escalating the situation. Hopefully, we have better police training here than they did in Hannibal.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the children. They obviously had a crappy father. Frequently in lawsuits, the defending party does not settle with the plaintif. The defendents insurance company does that and has the right to do so even against the defendents wishes.

Anonymous said...

I have been following the Hannibal topic in here. I have searched for information but find little. The only thing I can find about the lawsuit is that a lawsuit was filed. Thre is no story telling how it was resolved or if it ever made it to court. People file lawsuits every day. Some make it to trial, some don't. If this story was such a big deal in Hannibal, there should be a newspaper article reporting the resolution of the lawsuit since there was an article reporting the filing. It probably didn't make it to trail. The investigation showed no wrong doing according to the newspaper article that reported the filing.

Anonymous said...

Legally speaking, people win lawsuits everyday when it was established that wrong doing didn't occur...also, often times when these lawsuits are settled both parties agree to keep the details private.
Yes, maybe the police were justified in shooting the man to keep him from shooting them, but come on, I think ONE shot would have disabled him enough to keep the police safe....6 shots in his chest is a little excessive!!!

Anonymous said...

Easy to say from the comfort of your computer.

In the heat of the moment 2 shots from each officer simultaneously is hardly excessive.

Especially if he is drunk and pointing a shotgun at them.

Anonymous said...

In this situation, with no one else in harm's way, the proper thing to do is back down, secure the area, and get SWAT and the negotiator(s) in. It's too late for this gentleman, but I'm sure review of this incident came to this same conclusion.

Anonymous said...

The article said the incident was reviewed or investigated by the state police and the conclusion was the police acted within guidelines. The gentleman aimed his gun at the police putting them in harm's way which ended any chance for backing down and calling the SWAT team or negotiators. It looks like the incident became one of self-defense.

I agree it is easy to sit behind our computer

Anonymous said...

yes,it easy to sit behind my computer, however, I do have experience with these types of situations...these police officers are TRAINED in situation evaluation, therefore when I say they should have known better than to fire that many rounds at one single man, whom, according to the newspaper report, was sitting with a gun pointed at himself. Just my opinion (which I am entitled to) that the police should have used their heads and kept calm...that is why we have SWAT and negotiators!!

Anonymous said...

aaah...the newspaper report said the guy aimed the gun at the cops.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about Weller's crimes. Anybody think the Jer-Bear will do time?

Anonymous said...

Big Jer is hidin out.

Anonymous said...

agreed. It's pretty lame to post an article from years ago. Nobody posting was there (unless Paulson is posting), and nobody knows what actually happens.

A drunk guy waving a shotgun at police kinda has it coming doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Thank God he won't be coroner.

Anonymous said...

Cities agree to pay settlements when they think they are going to lose. Must be something to the claim police mishandled the situation.

Anonymous said...

Losing a settlement doesn't equal police wrong-doing.

Ever hear of the hot coffee case? Or the robber who fell through a roof and sued the owner of the home?

Anonymous said...

He should have to keep his bullit in his pocket

Anonymous said...

Paulson must be pretty awesome to be considered for chief of police and coroner. He's not even related to the mayor.

Free Speech Morris said...

Anonymous said...
The usual bunch of yokals waging war against local politicians. yawn... They will bitch about whoever Kup appoints as chief.

October 29, 2007 4:01 PM

You're right 4:01, but the only reason they do it is because the press, if you can call it that around here, suppresses information especially if you have big bucks and an ad account with them. They have no qualms about reporting your blue collar neighbor's DUI.
This is what happens when people are not given permission to voice their opinions. I agree there should be responsibility with free speech, but who is to determine what is considered "responsible"? The MD Fluff or W-JokeoftheDay who have inadvertently created a forum for these blogs by suppressing information. You can blame them.

This is also why people will create blogs and non-for-profit publications. As with anything you read, either in print or on the web, you just have to weed out the legitimate opinions from the bullshit.

Not everyone in Morris is an illiterate hick (although this area does seem to have a higher per capita ratio). People can think for themselves.

And as far as the commenter who stated that profanity is the sign of a small mind? It's a WORD. Get over it. Read Bukowski or Vonnegut sometime instead of Readers Digest - the large print version.

Anonymous said...

Good comment, 11:28.

Regarding "responsible" free speech on internet forums--there are usually rules of conduct people agree to follow. For instance--if someone wants to make an accusation or call someone out on something (usually a public person) they post a link everyone else can click and read. Anybody can say anything but it is another thing to be able to prove it. The link supposedly also protects from copyright issues, etc. Then again, there is always the problem of defamation of character. Here is a link about that problem. This blog may fall into the realm of "publication."

Free Speech Morris said...

Thanks for that tidbit of wikinfo 12:10. It appears that the deciding factor in a defamation case would be the issue of whether a statement is deemed an opinion and whether the opinion of the statement is false or true. With that in mind, it might be a good idea to preface any blog comment with, "in my opinion..."

Anonymous said...

Speaking of things NOT being reported, what happened at a Braceville school recently, involving the son of a local public official?

Anonymous said...

Good idea "free speech."

IMO is an obvious shorthand for "in my opinion" to save keystrokes. :-)

Anonymous said...

Free speech is a 1st Amendment Right under our Bill of Rights...however, the 1st Amendment also states that if a word or words are considered "fighting words" or "inciting words" they are NOT protected by the 1st Amendment. Therefore, painting racial slurs on stop signs and other areas is not only illegal as it is property damage, it is NOT expression protected by the 1st Amendment..

Anonymous said...

Forums and blogs are a great outlet to say whatever the hell you want, but I think it is hilarious how everyone points out how the paper and the radio are "suppressing information".

Anyone with knowledge of journalism knows that you have to build relationships and pick your battles. If you throw your contacts under the bus because of a rumor, good luck getting a story next time.

All of these "wanna be" journalists on the blogs need to get a clue. I think the local media does a pretty good job of covering local news. This isn't Chicago people.

The biggest problem I have with the local paper is not posting comments by people who send them in. It shouldn't affect their advertisers because it is not written by a member of the staff.

Anonymous said...

what the hell is going on at McDonald's?? it's almost Nov 1 and they still don't have hot chocolate!!!! grrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:00. Where the heck is the hot chocolate? McDonald's hot chocolate is the best but they don't have any. What's up with that? I'm going to have to call Ronald.....

Anonymous said...

The people who bitch about the paper "suppressing information" are probably the same people who are bitching about everybody in city government who isn't in their political party. This little town is not Chicago. Anybody who knows anything about Morris knows it is a Republican town (and county, too). Go to the courthouse and ask to look at the voters log or whatever it is called. We have to declare a party affiliation to vote in the primary. The stats are in black and white. Look at the ratio party vs. party. The people in office in city or county are elected by bi-partisan vote. Give it a rest! Worry about the assholes in federal government. We may all end up being drafted to go fight in the middle east with inadequate equipment. They rip the babies off the breast of nursing mothers and send the mothers back to Iraq to fight along side the baby's father. These assholes who want us to believe they are for the family. Sure, they are for their family, not ours. They send fathers and sons to fight this stupid war. No one will be exempt from the draft. It won't be like Viet Nam where you can get married and have a kid to avoid the draft. This is a different kind of animal started by a guy who didn't even fulfill his own military obligation back in the day. The stupid shit that happens in Morris is nothing compared to what we are facing nationally.

Anonymous said...

yeah AND when i got my cheeseburger today, the bun was on crooked....what the hell???

Anonymous said...

neither is the missing McDonald's hot chocolate

Anonymous said...

The majority of people in Morris care about open and honest government. You have to wonder about the motives of those who critize others simply for speaking out.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where I can find a good trick or treat tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

If you want the best goodies, it helps to make a campaign contribution to the mayor.

Anonymous said...

enough about the corrupt politics already...this hot chocolate problem is way more important!! do you think Clucker is behind the missing hot chocolate and crooked cheeseburger buns?? damn that clucker..ruins it every time

Anonymous said...

It's not clucker!! It's the hamburglar. lmao

Anonymous said...

are ya sure?? i could swear i saw clucker stealing the hot chocolate

Anonymous said...

no it wasn't clucker it was daryl brown

Anonymous said...

Preach on 7:17pm. I agree. Our president is a jackass and got us into a war we shouldn't be fighting. There are major problems in Washington.

I think we are actually lucky to have our own radio station and newspaper. A lot of towns don't. I enjoy waking up every morning to a local newscast on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Can't we talk about nice puppies and cotton candy? Everyone have super duper Hallowenn. Hope everyone gets a nice treat or a nice trick. Have a great day everyone!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone under 35 actually reads that paper or listens to that station.

Anonymous said...

Get the thugs out of city hall.

Anonymous said...

Shoot'm up!

Anonymous said...

Just imagine what might have happened if police had not shot Terry Brocksmith. He might have followed through with his threat to hurt himself.

Silence said...

The odds of a draft occurring within the near future are roughly equal to odds of Sue Rezin winning this upcoming election. Due to the simple fact that the military is not designed for a draft these days nor would they want to bring draftees, nor would any politician vote for it unless it was like World War 3 occurring as it would be the end of their career.

Anyway enough about that, lets go back to the impotent whining about City Government and why they all suck :)

Anonymous said...

Rezin won't be on the ballot. The draft WILL be instituted. The illegal war has already expanded to Iran (where we are already present). Your kids (boys and girls)--and maybe even you--will be drafted, if you are under 40. Who is going to fight this war--and WWIII--of which the chimpmeister-in-chief is forewarning? Heard reference to Dubya mentioning WWIII several times on major news outlets last night and this morning.

All this bullshit about local government is smoke and mirrors to distract from the real issues facing the citizens of Morris--and beyond (with apologies to Buzz Lightyear).

Toys, lipstick, eyeliner--all with toxic lead content. Thank you, Jerry Weller, for NAFTA.

I found 100% pure fruit juice--Juicy Juice brand--on the shelves of our local groceries--Made in China and other foreign countries. WTF? We don't have fruit here? We can't make apple-grape juice here in the USA? Does China even have apple or grape groves? How does it work? Do we & other countries send fruit to China, have the juice processed and put in the little juice box, straw glued to the side, and sent on freighter ship here cheaper than we can produce a juice box right here in the USA? What is wrong with this picture? Take a look! That little juice box may advertise it contains juice from various countries.

Check every product you buy. How many are made here? Your juice will say something like made from juices from (several countries). Why? We don't grow apples, grapes, oranges here? Check your vegetables.

Those are just a couple products you buy your family hoping to feed them well and keep them healthy.

There are bigger dragons to slay than fake news drummed up by certain people who think citizens of Morris are dumbasses. Local "corruption" has gone on since the first person was elected to office--regardless of party affiliation. Be a watchdog but get your nose out of your own fanny and look around at the bigger picture.

Anonymous said...

And McDonald's still doesn't have hot chocolate...what is this world coming to??? Happy Halloween!!

Anonymous said...

Hannibal thoughts:

lawsuits are settled all the time...cheaper than going to court even if there's no merit to the suit

he was survived by four children, but none of them lived in Hannibal

3 cops fired 10 shots, 4 missed. the witnesses only reported hearing 4 shots, so they must have really unloaded at him. this implies that they fired in reaction to something .

ask any cop: domestics are their least favorite calls

Anonymous said...

Bocksmith's children didn't live in Hannibal, so it was OK to kill their father.

Anonymous said...

7:23: Corrupton in Morris has gone on for a long time, so citizens should shut up and accept it.

Anonymous said...

The death of Terry Brocksmith could have been easily avoided if police had handled the matter better. Any good copy knows you don't escalate a situation like that.

Anonymous said...

The citizens of Morris should not tolerate corruption regardless of party affiliation.

Anonymous said...

Cities pay settlements because they think they will lose the trial.

Anonymous said...

5:18, the reason products aren't made in america anymore is because it's cheaper to hire 10 year old kids in 3rd world countries working in sweatshops for .05 a day and selling the shit back to americans at outragous prices. Think Abercrombie. Think Walmart. Think outsourcing. If I talk to one more mumble speeched Patel every time I have to call At&T because they fucked up my bill I may end up shooting my phone.

It'a all about greed on the global, national AND local levels. Don't think you're going to change what's happening because just like Morris, it's NOT the elected officials who actually control things. It's the very few elite with the big money. Exxon mobil, The federal reserve, the stock market, the media. And lets not forget the walmarts and other "big boxes" who swoop in like vultures and eat small businesses and small town downtowns alive. How many people can't stand walmart, including the employees who gripe and complain about their jobs to the customers? And yet you STILL go there.

And the com-eds and midwest gens whose CEO's are making millions a year while they're raping the regular guy and crying poor mouth and who, by the way, are all biggies at the grundy chamber functions. By the way, I am not renewing my membership at the chamber for this very reason. They cater to the businesses with big moolah and fuck the little guy.

On the local level, it's the same thing. I'd name names but most of you know who these people are. And money is what gets people elected. Once they're elected they're pawns of those who elected them. It's all about human greed baby. And don't think that what happens on a local level has no bearing on what occurs on a national and global level. It's a domino effect.

People have more ability to affect change on a local level in their own backyards then they do on a global level. And THATS why they rant on these blogs.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:29 that our local officals are beholden to the money-men who got them elected to office. Who are they? Take a look at the Illinois Campaign Contribution website. Look at how many of the campaign contributors are listed in the recently published annual treasurer's report. It is a Who's Who list of people and business that do business with the city or were given some other favor. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. Doesn't marketti make enough money off his rip off gas stations? I won't go to the marketti BP anymore on route 47 because they raised the prices and charge for air. GREEDY RIP OFF.

Anonymous said...

9:29...most of those walmart employees are making good money...

As for shopping downtown...are you fucking kidding me?? Only old women shopped at Baum's, sorry but I'm really not into wearing granny panties!! Oh and let's not forget Twice as Nice where a scarf costs $90....why would I want to spend my husband's hard earned inheritance on a $90 scarf that I could buy for $9.96 at Walmart????

Silence said...

"Rezin won't be on the ballot. The draft WILL be instituted. The illegal war has already expanded to Iran (where we are already present). Your kids (boys and girls)--and maybe even you--will be drafted, if you are under 40. Who is going to fight this war--and WWIII--of which the chimpmeister-in-chief is forewarning? Heard reference to Dubya mentioning WWIII several times on major news outlets last night and this morning."

Ok you seem to have missed my point about Rezin as the reference to her was just a fancy way of saying near zero chances (theortically write ins are an low possiblity option)

Secondly, the entire US military would have to be restructured and more infrastructure would be needed to get put into motion a conscript army, and this doesn't even deal with the fact that the US military is quite good at destroying conventional state military, though granted fighting any other state actor would be something that would have causalities in greater numbers due to the fact we are not fighting Iraqis troops, but my guess would be it the standard aerial bombardment from hell thing we do before sending in ground troops.

Problem with numbers and such comes from peacekeeping and occupation and I doubt that the US is goin to let itself get caught up into yet another operation like that. If we had to do we would probably pass it off to NATO or the UN depending on the region.

"Toys, lipstick, eyeliner--all with toxic lead content. Thank you, Jerry Weller, for NAFTA."

NAFTA covers North America, not China dude :)

"I found 100% pure fruit juice--Juicy Juice brand--on the shelves of our local groceries--Made in China and other foreign countries. WTF? We don't have fruit here? We can't make apple-grape juice here in the USA? Does China even have apple or grape groves? How does it work? Do we & other countries send fruit to China, have the juice processed and put in the little juice box, straw glued to the side, and sent on freighter ship here cheaper than we can produce a juice box right here in the USA? What is wrong with this picture? Take a look! That little juice box may advertise it contains juice from various countries."

It sounds like comparative economic forces have led to China being a hub of processing for cheap food items. I can tell you exactly the culprit, high personal costs within the United States.

And for Morris Business Owner, I should point out that free market is moving to correct the Indian on the phone problem with companies responding to complaints and now offering services that have Americans or at least Indians who don't have hard to understand accents.

Now on a personal note that is something I like, I once had a college class in which my Chemistry lab was taught by Indian TA who I literally never understood a word she said, she was nice but rather useless to me when I needed help.

Anonymous said...

Its not just Walmart who carries the cheap-labor goods from overseas. EVERY store does. Did Baum provide a living wage to his employees? Retirement? Medical? Sick days? What's the difference if we shop at Walmart or Target or Macy's or Sears? Its all the same.

And you are exactly right about those in public office, 9:29. However, some of those who rant do not know how the system works here in Morris. They rant on about the mayor and the dems as if they have some kind of power. What the ranters don't realize is the money behind the elected officials are republican big shots with big bucks and the power. But golleee, they won't mention the republicans because their personal agenda is to defame the dems. One in particular thinks everyone who lives in the county is a dumb hick. The money guys run the town and the county just like the money guys run the nation. Money talks, honesty walks, screw the middle class and damn anyone who happens to live in poverty.

Silence said...

"I agree with 9:29 that our local officals are beholden to the money-men who got them elected to office. Who are they? Take a look at the Illinois Campaign Contribution website. Look at how many of the campaign contributors are listed in the recently published annual treasurer's report. It is a Who's Who list of people and business that do business with the city or were given some other favor. Sickening."

Who got them elected? Voters of the City of Morris, the money may of helped buy signs and have campaign events, but by and large oddly enough elections are still won by votes from people like me and you (assuming you're of age to vote and do so)

And also by itself being rich and giving money to a candidate you support is not one of the seven great sins. Lets not lose sight that people are people, friends support each other, and that just because money is involved doesn't mean that all of a sudden a person is a puppet, and that the public has nothing to do. Now the problem comes if the elected official uses his position to get illegal favorable deals in return (and from that reasons why governments have a bidding process for big jobs). That is a tricky situation and it doesn't help much that in Morris and Grundy County the pool of corporations and people are limited, and that circles of people are limited due to the fact there is only like 38-39K people here. There probably are some deals going on, but I doubt there is some massive Tammy Hall esq situation that some people here are trying to get others to believe.

All the money in the world going to your campaign won't get you elected if you been demonized enough by angry ranters.

Now its a case that many if most elections are won by people with the larger money, but I think that has less to do with the money per-say then its a sign of the effective campaign machine to be able to move around generate that much money and interest in their candidate.

Silence said...

"The war was based on a lie. There were no weapons of mass destruction and they knew it. And the terrorist of 9-11 were not in Iraq. There never should have been an invasion in the first place."

Really they knew it? At the time all available evidence was that Saddam was breaking oil sanctions in an effort to get more money for his government, acting very much like he had something to hide, and the available data we had suggested that he probably did have something hidden away.

And when we got to Iraq we didn't find much, but have found here and there old chemical warheads buried in various places.

The main complaint about the war should of been, that the Rumsfeld Pentagon had some pie in the sky dream endgame of Democracy appearing and didn't plan for the insurrection, and then we spent years moving in mud till we got somebody who actually knows how to do Counter-Insurgency

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting article since we are talking about his topic.

Anonymous said...

Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11.

Silence said...

The article raises a good point about what to do with less skilled workers. One of the solutions that are in place is the presence of the work-force boards that every county or something has that goes to help said people by offering them new job training and such.

But really manufacturing jobs are a dying breed, cause even if we got rid of foreign imports, advances within robotics will see those jobs vanish as well within our lifespan.

Anonymous said...

11:27--Dick wouldn't have been elected if the big shot republicans hadn't come out behind him--put their money where their mouth is with billboards, big ads, parties, letter writing campaigns, etc.

It doesn't matter who is elected, a handful of swells run the show. If they want GE to do their thing with nuclear waste, it will happen, in spite of what the majority of the citizens want. Why "they" want something like that here is a good question. Apparently they think they and theirs are immune to the effects inevitable pollution.

Not much has changed, really, since the 1940's and Elmtown's Youth. This isn't Tammany Hall but there is a machine and it isn't run by the dems.

Silence said...

Dick wouldn't have been elected if the big shot republicans hadn't come out behind him--put their money where their mouth is with billboards, big ads, parties, letter writing campaigns, etc.

He was also running against a highly unpopular Mayor at the time as well. Money helped, but what got him elected was the voters and their disgust with the way things were going. You give this shadowy cabal too much credit, if they were effective there be no Democratic State Rep.

"It doesn't matter who is elected, a handful of swells run the show. If they want GE to do their thing with nuclear waste, it will happen, in spite of what the majority of the citizens want. Why "they" want something like that here is a good question. Apparently they think they and theirs are immune to the effects inevitable pollution."

Well this is not a subject I am greatly familiar with, if its the same thing I think it is, my friend who is a public safety and big nuclear knowledge base was telling me it is safe if they do it right.

Free Speech Morris said...

For a graduate student of UIC, your command of the language is atrocious. Your sentence structure is at times nonsensical and your mispelling of words is unforgivable. There are times I can't make heads or tails out of what it is you're trying to convey.
I think you have a lot to offer, but could you please proofread your statements before your posts so that they actually make sense?
Thank you.

Silence said...

Ah sorry, I can do that, I guess I am bit more tired then I thought I was.

I'll try and be more clearer, I understand that my sentences can bit stilted in speech (my tendency for run-on sentences and sometimes forgetting to type a word I thought I had typed), but honestly I am not seeing all these misspelled words.

But regardless, clearer communication is something that should always to be strive for, and I shall endeavor to do so.

Anonymous said...

12pm What needs to be understood is Morris is a heavy duty Republican community. Kopczick is the first Democratic mayor in the history of the community. The voters would vote for the murderous dictator terrorist of the Mayan peasant Rios Montt if he were on the ballot as a Republican. That is why it was so important for the big shot money Repubs to put up billboards, write letters, pay for ads, throw parties, etc. So the people would think if Baum, Hornsby and Narvick were for Kopczick, then it was okay for them to vote for a Democrat, too.

See, the people did vote for the murderous dictator terrorist of the Mayan peasant Rios Montt's son-in-law.

Silence said...

Meh, I still say that the power people here attribute to this cabal of Republicans with money, is out of place. They have the ability to influence elections yes, but they are not the only and most powerful reason why people are elected in this town.

Obviously it helps that there was high profile Republicans that supported the Mayor, but it also helped that the previous Mayor was not very well liked by anybody towards the end as well.

But I have a question to ask, is the Mayor still a puppet of this cabal that got him elected and what proof do you have to support this?

Anonymous said...

What a great article and website, 11:34. The following statement says it in a nutshell:

"The American trade deficit is continuing to grow. American consumers are being presented with a rapidly increasing variety of cheap and wonderful products. Those products are partly the result of the ability of American companies to exploit foreign workers in a way that they would not be allowed to do here in America. In these third world countries workers are often paid less for one month's work than the profit a company makes off the sale of one single item. So, for example, the profit that The GAP makes off the sale of one $60 shirt is often more than what they pay the worker to make those shirts for an entire month. This often thrills American consumers, who, in the wealthiest country in the world, are happy to go to the store and be delighted to see products so cheap they can hardly believe it. "Have you seen the sale at the Old Navy? My God I found the cutest little blouse there for just ten dollars, it was so great!" Meanwhile, 10 Chinese teenagers are living together in a shack with no electricity and working 7 days a week 12 hours a day to make that blouse and getting paid about $30 a month each."

I used to own a retail business in downtown Morris. Here's what happens: The big chains are shipping over container loads of crap made by these workers in 3rd world countries.

The retailer (a downtown Morris store) buys products from a wholesaler at various markets across the country. The big chains are doing the same thing the wholesalers are doing, but cutting out the middle man i.e. the retailer.

SO, places like Hobby Lobby purchase an item for $2 which is the same price the wholesaler purchases the item for. Hobby Lobby sells it for $10, offers it to the general public at 50% off and STILL makes more than keystone profit on the item.

The wholesaler buys it for $2, sells it to the retailer at $5. The retailer sells it to you for $10 in order to make keystone which is a 50% profit margin on the item. If he sells that item to move it at 50% off, he's selling it at cost and not making a dime. In the meantime, the small independent retailer has to try to compete with the big chains who are basically offering the same items.

THATS why places like Walmart hurt small business. And in regards to 10:28's comment about Baum's and Twice As Nice, retail apparel is a WHOLE nother issue. The big apparel chains do not take a loss on merchandise. They create pricing structures with the clothing manufacturers because they deal with a mass amount of volume so the chain retailers get kickbacks for unsold merchandise and don't take a loss. The small independent retailer has no choice but to sell the item at a loss if it isn't moving.

People have gotten so accustomed to the big chains selling things off at 50-75% which is something that the small independent cannot compete with. The big chains are STILL making a profit off their 50-75% off "sale".

I don't blame you for wanting to save money, but please understand how the system works and just know that the downtown Morris retailers are not out to rip people off.

In order for an independent to succeed today, in ANY business, they have to go beyond what the big chains are offering because there's no chance in hell they're going to be able to compete with it.

Anonymous said...

12:53 said--"I don't blame you for wanting to save money, but please understand how the system works and just know that the downtown Morris retailers are not out to rip people off."

I know how the system works for the downtown Morris retailer. No one can compete with the big box for the same product. It is basic economics of supply and demand. The big box demands a thousand or a million Give Peace a Chance t-shirts while the small town retailer demands a dozen. The small town retailer doesn't stand a chance vs. the big retailers for the same product.

The point I was trying to make was people complain about Walmart's pay scale, whether or not they have health insurance, sick days, etc., for their employees. My point was to the people who boycott Walmart for their employement practices but the same people have no problem shopping at Target or other big chains, or even at Baum's. In my humble consumer opinion, no matter where you shop, the business practices are pretty similar regarding pay, vacation, insurance, etc.

Anonymous said...

Silence said,
"He was also running against a highly unpopular Mayor at the time as well. Money helped, but what got him elected was the voters and their disgust with the way things were going."

Don't be naive Silence. Feeney was a republican who stopped doing the bidding of those who have the money. And those who have the money have the control. And those who have the control, control the media. And those who control the media control public perception.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...but I never shopped downtown Morris. When you walked into Baum's they followed you around like you were going to steal something. Their shit was overpriced and their clothes looked like my Aunt's wallpaper in her kitchen. I'll shop at Wal-Mart any day of the week. And tell me.... who doesn't complain about their job. I don't know too many people that have that "dream" job. I complain about mine but you know what it puts a roof over my family's head and food on the table.

The one place I will shop downtown is Hanover Linen's. The owner is very pleasant and always remembers you.

But on to more important things.....why can't we get hot chocolate at McDonald's?????

Anonymous said...

Yawn....i just fell asleep reading these posts about shopping downtown...BLAH BLAH BLAH

Now let me make sure I am following...if you shop in downtown Morris you won't have to worry about the cops in Hannibal shooting you?? Got it!!
Oh and when is McDonald's getting hot chocolate?????

Anonymous said...

You keep trying to drag the dead horse back into things 2:42. Ask free speech how to start your own blog so you can go there and be the Master of Your Domain.

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah about dragging a dead horse...FYI the Hannibal situation is irrelevant! It happened how many years ago? Get a life and get over it. I just find the posts on here to be so hysterical and quite amusing. The Mayor is corrupt...blah blah blah, the Chief of Police is dating a ho...blah blah blah, the City officials are corrupt, blah blah ya get the drift?

Anonymous said...

I bet Mr. Brockman's parents don't think it is irrelvant either. If it was your son or daughter that was shot and killed would you consider it irrelevant? If your son was shot and killed by police when he was despondent and drinking, would you think that he deserved to die?

Anonymous said...

"And those who have the money have the control. And those who have the control, control the media. And those who control the media control public perception."

//You are soooo right! The radio and newspaper are being spoon-fed by all of the powerful people in Grundy County! In fact, not a single story hits the press or the airwaves unless it gets approval first.\\

Give me a freakin break.

If a "powerful" person screws up, they will be all over the local media.

You are giving these "powerful" people way too much credit.

Anonymous said...

Oh they'll be all over the media, but it'll be sugarcoated and minimalized. Can anyone think of anything RECENT? I can

Anonymous said...

The MDH has made a practice of treating local officials with kid gloves. The MDH simply regurgitates everything spoon-fed to them. I have never seen anything from them in the nature of investigative reporting.

Anonymous said...

The MDH has made a practice of treating local officials with kid gloves. The MDH simply regurgitates everything spoon-fed to them. I have never seen anything from them in the nature of investigative reporting.

Anonymous said...

"An investigative journalist may spend a considerable period researching and preparing a report, sometimes months or years, whereas a typical daily or weekly news reporter writes items concerning immediately available news. "

What do you want from our local media? I am relatively new to town (2005), but have some experience in news and I think they cover local news and local events pretty well. As pointed out earlier, if they reported every rumor around town they wouldn't have a job very long.

I find these blogs very entertaining to read and some of the rumors are interesting, but I think the reporters for the MDH, Joliet Herald, and local radio get an unfair shake.

To me, Skeptical Morris (how I found this blog), is nothing more than a bitter, failed journalist that thinks he knows how local news works.

Anonymous said...

Do you have all the facts in the case or just what is reported in the newspaper? Have you read the police reports and/or court records? Probably not!! We were not in that room with Mr. Brockman and the police, therefore we have NO business making assumptions about what took place. I wonder, would anyone even be concerned about Mr. Brockman if Paulson weren't involved? Probably not

Anonymous said...

Anyone else freaked out by the slaughter house RIGHT across the street from McDonald's??? Now there's your hot chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of free speech...can't wait until the nativity scene goes up on the court house lawn! Can't wait until a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. is on trial and gets off due to a mistrial in an apparently Christian courthouse.

Anonymous said...

So think the reporters at MDH get an unfair shake. Give me a break!!! Obviously, you are new to town.

I work for a local factory in town and Mike Farrell printed a one sided story based on anonymous e-mails regarding the closing of our facility. First of all, everything he printed was one sided (based on anonymous e-mails and...Yes...rumors) and didn't bother to investigate further. Second of all, our facility is NOT closing, so all he did was stir up a bunch of unnecessary shit that people at the plant didn't need. What was going on in our facility was between the company and union. Our union stood strong against the company, and of course, you have scabs who will go to great lengths to do what ever they can to go against the union. Well, let me tell you that's where Mike Farrell came in. He didn't contact any of the union officials that were involved in this and printed the article. Well, after the article came out in the paper I contacted Mr. Farrell and asked him why he printed a one sided story and you know what he said? "I didn't think I should have printed it but I did it anyway." I asked him if he would print a retraction and he said no. So Mr. or Mrs. new to town there's your great reporting. Give me a fucking break!!!!

Anonymous said...

The factory probably never advertised in the paper. One way to ensure positive coverage or to avoid negative coverage is to advertise with them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry company advertises in the paper all the time. We got negative coverage because an ass from the union contacted the paper. My point was Mr. Farrell didn't follow through with his job. You should get the facts from both sides and then print your story.

Anonymous said...

8:23, you haven't been on the bitter end of the Daily Fluff's misinformational reporting. They get quotes wrong and put their own spin on things so that when the article comes out, it looks and sounds nothing like the initial interview. I've been on that end and Skeptical just exposes it for what it is, faulty and sloppy journalism. I'm not sure if their motives are intentional or accidental. Maybe both depending on what and who is being reporting upon. It certainly can't be called unbiased.

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